T's & C's and Safety Rules

Terms and conditions

By purchasing a ticket for Glencoe Gravity from Maheno Home and School Association riders are acknowledging that they accept the Terms and Conditions and Safety Rules on this page.

Safety Rules

Risk management Policy

Please read the below information carefully. Maheno Home and School Association wishes for you to be fully aware of the risks associated with Glencoe Gravity and do not want you to buy a ticket without being aware of these risks. We do not want you to turn up to find that there are risks that you were unaware of and feel pressured into continuing the trip. We would prefer that you understand these risks before booking, and if they are unacceptable to you that you do not buy a ticket for your own safety, as well as that of our crew and any other clients of the trip.

In buying one of our tickets you will be asked to fill out one of our risk disclaimer forms prior to partaking in the trip.

You will need to agree to the following:

That you accept that this activity inherently involves risks and potential hazards. The risks and hazards include, but are not limited to:

Difficult terrain with hazardous drops and obstacles (related to the track grade undertaken).

Risk of falling or slipping.

Risks of Acts of gods like Earthquakes / Landslides.

Wasps / Bees and risk of anaphylactic shock.

Unknown slips / treefall blocking the track.

Overgrown Vegetation hiding obstacles.

Possible Vehicle Accidents or breakdowns.

Sudden Changes in Weather - Heat / Cold.

Equipment failures.

Getting lost / Separated from group.

That you are aware that participating in the Mountain Biking activities offered by Maheno Home and School Association can be hazardous if they are not conducted with care, control and responsibility. 

That you acknowledge that these risks could result in my injury (physical or mental) or even death.

Medication/health conditions:

• That you have informed the staff of Maheno Home and School Association (or will, prior to undertaking the activity) of any medical conditions, previous injuries and any medication I am currently taking which may affect my ability to undertake the activity.

• That you confirm you are physically fit and able to participate in the activities and you have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person.

• That you consent to receive any medical treatment that may be deemed necessary by Maheno Home and School Association in the event of injury, accident or illness while undertaking the activities.

• That you understand it is your responsibility to disclose any conditions (health or otherwise) that may affect the safety and enjoyment of myself and those around you.

Conditions of participating in activity:

• That you agree to ride with care, and obey the rules set out by Maheno Home and School Association and instructions given by marshalls (or a representative of Maheno Home and School Association), at all times.

• That you accept that if you do not adhere to the instructions and rules, or if you act dangerously, recklessly or in a way that might endanger yourself or others, Maheno Home and School Association may remove you from the activity. If this occurs, you acknowledge you will not receive a refund.

• That you accept that Maheno Home and School Association reserves the right to cancel this activity if it becomes concerned for your safety, or the safety of another person.

• That you agree to wear appropriate clothing and use/wear all safety clothing and equipment (as required by the Safety Rules) at all times when participating.

Limited liability of Maheno Home and School Association:

• That you understand that if you act recklessly or intentionally, and don’t follow the rules or instructions set out by Maheno Home and School Association, which you have been made aware of, Maheno Home and School Association will not be held responsible for any injury, damage or loss you cause to yourself/my property, or another person/their property, resulting from your action (or lack of action).

Liability of landowner:

• That you agree that the owner(s) of the land on which the activity is conducted will not be held responsible for any death, injury, misadventure, damage to or loss of property caused in whole or part by these activities.

Damage to property or equipment:

• That In the event that you damage any of the clothing or equipment, or other property owned by Maheno Home and School Association or a landowner, you agree to pay to Maheno Home and School Association (or the landowner) all costs associated with repairing the damage.


• That you confirm you are not under the influence of intoxicating alcohol or drugs (be they legal or illegal) which may in any way impair your ability to undertake the activity.


You agree that by purchasing a ticket from Maheno Home and School Association

cancellation and weather

There will be no postponement date. Refunds will be given in the case of a cancellation.

Actual landing zone will vary at the pilot's discretion depending on weather conditions.